Oturumunuzun süresi doldu, lütfen tekrar giriş yapın.
  • Area information Hotel Grand Liza is close to all places such as Grand Bazaar, Blue Mosque, Haghia Sophia Museum, Topkapi Palace and many more sights are located at the center of Old Istanbul. Distance to: Topkapi Palace 7 min. Grand Baazar 2 min. Haghia Sophia 5 min. Spice Bazaar 10 min. Basýlýca Cistern 7 min Blue Mosque 5 min. ÝMPORTANT ÝNFORMATÝON Ýf you want yo use our pick up service from Aatatürk airport to the our hotel We can realize that. Transfer service cost is 15 EUR for one way for 3 person Please contact the hotel with your flight details at least one day before your arrival date. Also you can easly come to the our hotel from airport with Metro train to the our hotel There is metro inside of the Atatürk Airport you get on the metro than you get off the last station Aksaray ,than you can find our hotel Ýt takes 45 minute with metro than you will walk just 15 minute from Aksaray station to the our hotel Or Ýf you come with Metro you get off the ZEYTÝNBURNU Station than you get on the other Metro train Beyazýt .You have to get on the BEYAZIT Station we are under the this tation follow the Tiyatro Caddesi.No :114 We are opposite of the very famous Kumkapý Fish restaurant .