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tobook HousekeepingStandalone

  • Our free mobile app allows you to seamlessly coordinate cleaning tasks between housekeeping staff and reception.
  • Housekeeping staff receive convenient real-time notification of task availability on their devices.
  • Reception staff have access to a web-app where they can assign tasks by room to individual housekeeping staff members or the whole group.
  • Allows Hotel Managers to keep track of task-status live, and monitor task-completion times with comprehensive monitoring and reporting.
  • toboook Housekeeping Standalone is free of charge. Sign-up, download and start using it today!

tobook Housekeeping Connectivity PRO

  • Offers full PMS connectivity for a fully automated hands-free reception workflow.
  • No manual task creation required!
  • All cleaning tasks are automatically generated and tracked based on room occuapncy and check-out status info provided by the integrated PMS.
  • Based on settings, will generate regular cleaning tasks for ongoing stays.
  • Auto-assign tasks to housekeeping staff either individually or as a group, with the option to make manual adjustments or full manual assignment, according to the needs of your organisation.

Dynamic Task Workflow

  • No more time-consuming communication between housekeeping staff and reception over the management of housekeeping activities.
  • With our hand-held mobile (smartphone/tablet) app, each of your staff members can see the task-list and receive notifications of task availability in real-time.
  • Housekeeping staff members pick up outstanding tasks and indicate that they are busy with the task, and when finished close the task.
  • Reception staff can view and modify task assignment and status at any time from a comprehensive live task-status panel.